Normally when I tell people I’m a ghostwriter for therapists, they either don’t know what a ghostwriter is, or they wonder how that works specifically for therapists. (If that’s you, read my post about ghostwriting and check out my FAQs.) However, one time someone asked me in jest, “Do you write about ghosts?”
This person didn’t really think I wrote about ghosts but it’s an interesting question. I don’t mind some paranormal entertainment every now and again. I enjoy friendly ghosts a la Casper or The Dead Romantics but not the scary ghosts such as those in The Amityville Horror. So no, when I ghostwrite for therapists I don’t create ghost stories, at least not in the way this person meant.

The word “ghost” has denotations of a person who has died but is still here in a non-corporeal way. It’s a being that can walk through walls or make lights flicker. However, there are different kinds of ghosts. There are metaphorical ghosts from the past that continue to haunt us in the present.
One of the reasons I love ghostwriting for therapists is I recognize we all have ghosts. There are circumstances, events, or images that still hold a charge for us long after they occurred. There are things we wish had gone differently or still have questions about. Therapy is one mechanism to help process those metaphorical ghosts. After working with a trained professional, we’re able to move on and no longer be haunted.

I’ve gone to therapy for years and I love it because it’s changed my life tremendously. It gave me the courage to start my own business, to set and maintain healthy boundaries, and to feel more at peace. I am fortunate enough to work with someone but not everyone has that privilege.
The U.S. is currently experiencing a shortage of mental health professionals. Currently, more than 150 million people live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas. Within a few years, the country will be short between 14,280 and 31,109 psychiatrists. Psychologists, social workers, and others will be overextended as well, according to the report. “People can’t get care,” Dr. Saul Levin, CEO and medical director of the American Psychiatric Association said in an article. “It affects their lives, their ability to work, to socialize, or even to get out of bed.”

Mental health professionals cannot work one-on-one with everyone who needs help. What that means is more people are relying on books, podcasts, blogs, and social media to fill the mental health gap. But how can therapists and other mental health professionals write those books and blogs if they’re already strapped for time?
Enter a ghostwriter. I haven’t trained as a therapist but I research mental health topics for fun in my spare time and also have my own experience with therapy. That means I know more than the average person about these sorts of topics and I’m able to use my writing chops to help you (if you’re a therapist) and ultimately those who need you. Together, we can reach so many more people than you could otherwise.
Are you ready to share your wisdom with the world? Contact me about working together.